Managing Terrace House
Architect House Minimalis
Terrace house is part of the building outside the house. Attendance is a form of unity of the whole house. Thus, shapes must also be made beautiful because it reflects such a beautiful house in full. Space environment as a mediator in and outside the home, the terrace with the same characters in the room.
There are two types of terrace, the front and back. Front of the terrace as a place to welcome the guests because it emphasized the estetisnya form. Meanwhile, a private back terrace so that shapes made to accommodate family activities or hobbies such as painting distribute, reading newspapers, drinking in the afternoon, with family or bercengkaram.
Terrace in front of, someone who often receive guests visit. Therefore, this section becomes very important and need to be styled to look more beautiful and attractive.
Size varies depending on the wide terrace house as a whole. If the house has a wide and the remaining land that is enough, usually the space for the wide terrace.
Terrace can be shaped room half open, or even the extent of space 1 × 2 m2, which only contains a few chairs. Size and shape depending on the terrace are the needs and customs house owner. A clear, important for its function as a house and need to penataan beautiful terrace and beautiful.
To arrange terrace, note a few things:
1. To be more comfortable and beautiful, such as the material for the terrace floor, wall, and plafonnya should be different from the other room. For flooring, choose materials that are not slippery because it is outside the home and often rain. Material can be of wood, ceramic, or natural stone.
2. If the terrace is not too broad, the selection of furniture and furnishings need to be supportive. Choose furniture that is not too large in size. If furniturnya of the narrow space.
3. If the activity in the house is not too dense, can be styled terrace with a simple pattern. Order such as this situation with a more suitable home than the regulation of complex and complicated.
4. If the size terrace area, penataannya can with the attractive style. Eg tropikal with style, natural, or solid composition. Some of this style can minimize the effect of the rigid usually appear in the house.
5. If you collect a variety of hobby antiques or art goods, there is no one to memajang objects in the terrace house. In addition to pay attention, it also can show the character's house.
In addition to the front and rear, the terrace can be built on the side of the house if there are remaining land. Wherever the location, terrace should be styled in such a way to look beautiful and beautiful. Impression on the beautiful terrace house can affect the overall impression.
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