Cat Tembok Eksterior dan Interior
Assalamu 'alaikum wr wb
Pak Andan, I buy a house minimalist type KPR 42/91 and I have been renovations. Now all I plamir walls are white.
I am still confused a color that I use to paint the interior walls, exterior and pillars etc.. While the iron fence and tile already be painted with a green color (mango leaves).
Please enlightenment from Pak Andan, blend colors that are appropriate for what my home is. I want a tearful familiar, warm, smart, and simple. Thank you.
Wassalamu 'alaikum wr wb.
Kusuma Indrajaya
kusuma.indrajaya @ at
Assalaamu'alaikum wr wb
Mr. Kusuma Indrajaya who I respect,
If all the walls have diplamir means he is ready in the cat. Provided that no outside walls also diplamir. Because later it akan exfoliate paint when exposed to rain.
When you paint this tile with the green fence and older. For a match that they should Kusen paint, doors and windows dark green as well. Then temboknya light green. Feel up to the house to the green. In addition to beautiful and beautiful, he kesannya natural and cool.
However, the color green is a bit difficult to be integrated with other colors. Should be careful. So if you want all green nuances, should be determined from now. So that the collision occurred is not the color.
If you want to select only neutral sepia for Kusen, windows and doors. Kesannya also natural. Because the striking brown bark of the senada with the nature of wood and Kusen door.
Can also use the color white on the door and Kusen. The term I first time a small 'house doctor'. Because the effect of a hospital that cold, clean and rigid akan appear. Color is also entered. But soon a bit difficult to choose paint colors walls. as a pale white color can not be submerged and lost akan wall color that is too strong. So the choice is easy to use color to paint the white walls. Only the direction tinge of color are determined. Cat-term is its white jasmine, white roses etc..
For the interior you should find the basic colors first. Ex: all ruagan akan colored with the color beige (neutral colors are easy on the padankan with the other colors). Then, determine the spot live wall which will be colored with a specific color. Seprti family rooms, a rest area where the walls are given tv sepia. And the room, the area where a wall painting or calligraphy pendant be red brick. And dining, the area where a wall or pantry shelves were given to eat dark green or dark blue. Nah, this situation still does not change the overall color of the cream base line. There are only a few spots on the walls a certain color.
The rest can choose your own colors separate. Or would like to reconcile with the basic colors can also be. Bedrooms in the main feel of the brown cat with a gentle young. bedroom boys colored blue. Girls bedroom pink. Kitchen with mastic.
So Pak Kusuma Indrajaya. Hopefully the useful information from me. Enjoy new home and a new paint too. Hopefully the house is a blessing. Penghuninya covered mawaddah atmosphere, Sakinah wa Rahmah. Aamiin robbal ya 'alamiin.
Wassalaamu'alaikum wr wb
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