Saya Siap Membantu Semua Desain Arsitektur Yang Anda Butuhkan.

( Rumah Tinggal, Kantor, Ruko, Hotel, Apartment, Villa, Plaza, Toko,Gudang Dll )

Hanya 3 proses saja Impian anda akan terwujud ikuti langkah-langkahnya dibawah ini……………


- Biaya desain sangat murah, jauh dibawah harga normal.
- Tata letak ruangan di dalam rumah akan lebih teratur
- Memanfaatkan secara maksimal luas lahan.
- Efisien karena konsultasi dapat dilakukan dimanapun Anda / Klien berada.

Desain yang akan Anda / Klien dapatkan meliputi :

- Lay Out
- Site Plan
- Denah lt. 01, dst
- Tampak Depan & Samping
- Potongan A-A & B-B
- Perspektif 1 View

( Semua pengerjaan secara digital atau cetak kertas A3 )

Gratis untuk Anda / Klien yang menggunakan jasa kami :

- 2 (dua) kali revisi gambar (bukan revisi total)
- 2 (dua) kali konsultasi via email/sms/chat/call : 08121795425
- Biaya kirim melalui TiKi di Indonesia
- Desain-desain untuk keperluan tempat ibadah/sosial hanya kena biaya cetak & kirim

Hari Ini Fee Desain : Rp. 20.000,- per m²

Minimal Luas Bangunan 400 m2

< 400 m2 = 400 m2

Bila menghendaki gambar kerja lebih detail

harga nego

Proses Kerja

Untuk mendesain rumah Anda dengan order online, maka berikut tahap proses yang akan dilakukan :

I. Data dari Anda / Klien :

- Ukuran tanah : 20 x 20 = 400 m²

- Jumlah, ukuran dan fungsi ruang (misalnya Anda / Klien menginginkan nanti ruangannya apa aja, bangunannya 2 lantai, ada dapur teras r tamu dll) kalau bisa lampirkan foto/gambar bangunan sebagai pendekatan

- Peraturan bangunan dari lokal dan pemerintah daerah (misalnya garis sepadan bangunan)

- Peta Lokasi ( Arah Mata Angin, posisi lahan ada di mana )

* ANDA SCAN KIRIM EMAIL KE : onarsitek@yahoo.com

Beritahu saya sms ke : 08121795425

II. Analisa dari Kami

- Perkiraan luas bangunan : Mis : 600 m² (Untuk Teras, Selasar dihitung 50 %nya )

Perkiraan biaya :

Rp. 20.000,- / m² x 600 m² = Rp. 12.000.000,-

- Kami sampaikan biaya yang harus Anda / Klien bayarkan dan kami akan kirimkan desain awal rumah dalam format jpg / gif via email untuk ditanggapi

- Setelah Anda / Klien setuju, lakukan transfer ke rekening kami sejumlah 50% dari perkiraan biaya :

Rp. 12.000.000 x 50% = Rp. 6.000.000,-

- Kirim konfirmasi pembayaran melalui email/sms ke 08121795425

berupa : *Nama*tanggal transfer*Nominalnya*.

Misal : *Budi*25/03/09*6.000.000*

* HUB SAYA – NEGO – ANDA TRANSFER KE : BNI 46 Cab. Unair Surabaya – 9025202-1

III. Gambar Paket

- Kami kerjakan kurang lebih 2 (dua) minggu (tergantung tingkat kesulitan),

- Selesai dan kondisi akhir luas bangunan 500 m² (termasuk luas teras,selasar dihitung 50 % ) dengan perhitungan biaya :

Total biaya akhir = Rp. 20.000,- / m² x 500 m²

= Rp.10.000.000,-

Sisa pembayaran = Rp.10.000.000,- - Rp. 6.000.000,-

= Rp. 4.000.000,-

- Setelah Desain selesai saya beritahu anda dan kirim format JPG lewat email.

- Anda / Klien melakukan pembayaran sisa transfer

ke rekening kami sejumlah Rp. 4.000.000,-

- Setelah transfer saya terima maka gambar akan saya cetak A3 dan saya kirim ke alamat anda



Cepat Wujudkan IMPIAN ANDA Dengan 3 Proses diatas.

Kontak Saya :


Rachmat Prasetyo, ST



Jl. Jojoran I-G/11 Surabaya

Belajarlah Selama Masih Bisa

Blog ini dibuat untuk menambah wawasan dan informasii seputar Arsitektur

Selasa, 27 April 2010



When you think of a room for children, what comes to mind? Probably a lot of plush toys, bunk beds, colors and small furniture. These elements are all here, in this fresh collection from Sergi, an Italian artist with a strong passion for design. However, there is more to this interiors than that. The color themes, the beautiful desks and the exquisite arrangements express attitude and personality. Vivid and cheerful, these rooms seem to have the power of encouraging creativity, which is why we decided to share them with you. For more information, visit Sergi’s blog here.



You alau plan kitchen set, of course you need to make sure that the design kitchen set that you create will be very functional, efficient and enjoyable, and physically comfortable to work. Getting quality kitchen cabinets and high-quality devices certainly important. But far more important is the design and layout and dimensions of the right size.

Now before you design or renovate dream Kitchen set right attention following several principles.

First, the traditional concept: triangle work (Work Triangle)



Get "homework" to design a fish pond in the house of fun. Especially when the results were real. Not only the design but also really enjoyable.Two I present pictures, drawings and perspective drawing little fish pond. The first drawings of a fish pond tersebutl (see above).
The available land is divided into two parts is not equal. Smaller part is used to put wooden boards to access the pond from one side of the side.

Second picture is a picture perspektinya.DESAIN KOLAM IKAN TIPE 10

Arras Hospital in France by Groupe-6

Arras Hospital in France by Groupe-6

The Arras Hospital, a hospital in a park with modular building and dynamic facade was designed by Groupe-6 is a precursor of a new generation of hospitals promising high architectural, spatial and social values, combining modernity and humanity. The Arras Hospital is inserted in a dense urban environment, the architecture design is strategically located at the outskirts of the historic city in a landscaped park, it boards and faces the old fortifications allowing the patients spectacular views of the historic town. The Arras Hospital project represents a wonderful opportunity to reverse the situation.Arras Hospital in France by Groupe-6

The primary preoccupation was indeed to optimise the relationship between the staff and the patient, serving and enhancing notions of caring, efficiency, welcoming and dialogue. A new bedroom organisation with bathrooms on the external facade creates more space, more efficiency and time spent with the patients. Logistics are maximised through NTIC, introducing the concept and reality of a networked hospital.Arras Hospital in France by Groupe-6

Transparent bridges connect the three main buildings(one building for lodging, a technical centre and an administrative centre) ventilated with punctual green patios and water pools. Lightness, openness and transparency are accentuated by a flat roof floating over the architectural mass. Public and mixed-use spaces are generously distributed, filled with natural light, allowing interaction and dialogue, and reinforcing the definition of the hospital as a living space. Lodging will be the symbol: a large glass blade set forward and placed in the park. The building’s spatial design combines the requirements of a hotel with the flexibility of constant change. Each floor is a great modular plateau incorporating strategic and structural elements, such as care centres and logistic clusters. The plateaus will be ventilated by three large patios, which thrust the park inside the hospital itself.Arras Hospital in France by Groupe-6

The Arras Hospital pays particular attention to environmental quality through a system of natural renewable energy – the double skin façade creates a ventilating buffer space between the interior and the exterior. Closed in winter, opened in summer, the louvers allow natural heating and aeration according to the seasons. The light façade will blend with the environment by both reflecting the trees and through its function. It will be comprised of adjustable glass vanes cladding the building and creating a ventilated buffer zone between the inside and the outside. These vanes will close in winter and conduct the natural heat of the sun. In summer the vanes will be open to ventilate the inner façades and prevent excess heating.

by: nikiomahe.com

Peterborough Regional Health Centre in Canada by Stantec Architecture

Peterborough Regional Health Centre in Canada by Stantec Architecture

The Peterborough Regional Health Centre was designed by Stantec Architecture Ltd is located in Peterborough, in a geographic region north-east of Toronto, Ontario, Canada, in the Kawartha Region. Characterised by rolling hills, rugged geography, lakes and marshland, communities within the Kawarthas grew around crossroads or corners. Peterborough is a rich urban community that has it’s roots in one such “crossroads”. The Peterborough Regional Health Centre project is a full service healthcare facility offering 500 inpatient beds and full diagnostic and treatment facilities including rehabilitation, intensive care, emergency services, surgical services, ambulatory care and support services.Peterborough Regional Health Centre in Canada by Stantec  Architecture

The concept for Peterborough Regional Health Centre is rooted in this idea of ‘crossroads’; the intersection of two paths. The east-west path establishes the main entrance and lobby space, and is given material presence through locally quarried stone. Upon entrance from the west, visitors are immediately visually reconnected to the panoramic view of the city and regional geography to the east. The north-south path provides the prime circulation spine on all six levels and is expressed in a warm charcoal grey concrete block. The program simply builds around these two ’crossroad’ elements leaving them always legible as the principle organizing device. The north-south spine passes through landscaped courtyards like “the bridges” of Peterborough, connecting the city across the Otonabee River.Peterborough Regional Health Centre in Canada by Stantec  Architecture

The idea is about being connected to and reflective of the community as a means of generating a sense of wellness, familiarity and comfort. The visual connection to the rolling hills of the Kawarthas upon entry, the constant views to the community and landscape throughout the facility, The “Bridges of Peterborough” that provide light, view and orientation are all ideas about creating a sense of belonging, connection, familiarity and stress reduction.Peterborough Regional Health Centre in Canada by Stantec  Architecture

Architecture design for health is about lifting the spirit through connection, landscape, order, light and material. PRHC, since opening, has become a community meeting place. Many visitors are there to experience the views from the lobby, the cafeteria or the landscaped roof terrace and perhaps to have a coffee and social contact. Being truly connected to its community, PRHC provides positive distractions that reduce the stress related to the experience of healthcare. Interior courtyards punctuate the building mass along the north-south circulation spine drawing natural light deep into the building and providing visual connection to the exterior. The north-south path passes through the courtyards, echoing the ‘Bridges of Peterborough’.

Art Institute of Chicago Modern Wing in United States by Renzo Piano

Art Institute of Chicago Modern Wing in United States by Renzo Piano

The Modern Wing of the Art Institute of Chicago was designed by Renzo Piano, Renzo Piano Building Workshop is located in Chicago, United States. The Art Institute of Chicago Modern Wing 264,000 sq ft, Renzo Piano-designed addition is the largest expansion in the museum’s history and increases the museum’s size to more than a million sq ft, making it the second largest art museum in the United States. To celebrate the opening the museum are offering free entry for all and for the opening week, the Art Institute is collaborating with the Greater Chicago Food Depository and asks visitors to bring canned goods to the museum to help provide food for the Chicago community.Art Institute of Chicago Modern Wing in United States by Renzo  Piano

“The Modern Wing embodies Chicago in so many ways,” said Thomas J. Pritzker, chairman of the Board of Trustees of the museum. “It is forward-looking and fresh, certainly, but it also represents a monumental and successful philanthropic effort that no other cultural institution in the city can match. The Modern Wing would not have been possible without the unwavering support of members, visitors, donors, and benefactors. It is our hope that the building we open on May 16 shows that all these efforts, support, and patience are rewarded. While the museum itself showcases art of the past and the present, we can now officially say it is built for the future.”Art Institute of Chicago Modern Wing in United States by Renzo  Piano

The new wing consists of two pavilions flanking the central area of the Kenneth and Anne Griffin Court and provides three floors of gallery space, a shop, café, fine dining restaurant and an interior garden. The east pavilion houses the education center as well as photography and film, video, and new media galleries on the first floor, galleries for the museum’s permanent collection of contemporary art on the second floor, and galleries for the permanent collection of modern European art on the third floor, under an innovative sun shade system that allows natural light into the galleries. In the west pavilion, the first floor is devoted to the new museum shop, the Modern Shop, visitor services facilities, and special exhibition galleries that will feature modern and contemporary art.Art Institute of Chicago Modern Wing in United States by Renzo  Piano

by: nikiomahe.com

Edificio Jacobo in Ecuador by Duran & Hermida Arquitectos Asociados

Edificio Jacobo in Ecuador by Duran & Hermida Arquitectos Asociados

Designed by Duran & Hermida Arquitectos, the Edificio Jacobo is located in Cuenca at 2500m over the sea level, the third biggest city in Ecuador, where the sun comes down perpendicularly, with 23 degrees of variation in the equinoxes of June and December. Cuenca is located in the Andes, where the average temperature is15 degree Celsius during the day, but it drops considerably at night. The building has one apartment per floor, with the exception of the third floor where the space is divided between a small apartment and an office. The ground floor is occupied by the garages in the front, and an apartment at the back which gets light and sun from a courtyard facing east.Edificio Jacobo in Ecuador by Duran & Hermida Arquitectos  Asociados

The building system is quick and efficient: we proposed three supporting brick walls with a distance of 6m between them. The bricks measured 20×40x8cm and were fabricated especially for this project. To the exterior the finish was only one layer of painting. The slabs were built with pre tensed concrete 6m beams. This building system allowed us not to use columns and to have two big areas where spaces could be distributed freely and uses could change for future needs. The west facade has movable panels used as shades, these panels are made out of steel frames and wooden blinds that prevent the laundry area to be seen from the outside and protect the social spaces from being bothered by the late afternoon sun. The mobility of the panels provides different shades and sights of the building, as users can locate them wherever they want.Edificio Jacobo in Ecuador by Duran & Hermida Arquitectos  Asociados

A new way of understanding and living the domestic space is proposed. Until now, in Ecuador, family activities were separated, kids had their rooms, women worked in the kitchen and social areas where meant for visitors. In this building interior spaces are always related, creating the sensation of infinity, where families can share all the activities in a democratic way and where all members are important and have the same status. The goal was to achieve the highest levels in the building process and in the quality of spaces, adjusting costs to the local market prices. This meant that many of the solutions had to be invented because locally there are not any industries that can provide this kind of techniques. The final construction cost was 300 dollars per square meter, which is a very competitive price and accessible for a high number of Ecuadorians.Edificio Jacobo in Ecuador by Duran & Hermida Arquitectos  Asociados

by: nikiomahe.com

The Mountain Dwellings in Copenhagen/Denmark by Bjarke Ingels Group

The Mountain Dwellings in Copenhagen/Denmark by Bjarke Ingels Group

The Mountain Dwellings, a contemporary housing building was designed by architect Jakob Lange, Bjarke Ingels Group is located in Orestad city and offer the best of two worlds: closeness to the hectic city life in the centre of Copenhagen, and the tranquillity characteristic of suburban life, in Denmark. The Mountain Dwellings are the 2nd generation of the VM Houses, same client, same size and same street. The Mountain Dwellings appear as a suburban neighbourhood of garden homes flowing over a 10-storey building - suburban living with urban density.

The residents of the 80 apartments will be the first in Orestaden to have the possibility of parking directly outside their homes. The gigantic parking area contains 480 parking spots and a sloping elevator that moves along the mountain’s inner walls. In some places the ceiling height is up to 16 meters which gives the impression of a cathedral-like space. The roof gardens consist of a terrace and a garden with plants changing character according to the changing seasons. The building has a huge watering system which maintains the roof gardens. The only thing that separates the apartment and the garden is a glass façade with sliding doors to provide light and fresh air.the mountain dwellings, urban architecture design in copenhagenthe mountain dwellings, urban architecture design in copenhagenthe mountain dwellings, urban architecture design in copenhagen

The north and west facades are covered by perforated aluminium plates, which let in air and light to the parking area. The holes in the facade form a huge reproduction of Mount Everest. At day the holes in the aluminium plates will appear black on the bright aluminium, and the gigantic picture will resemble that of a rough rasterized photo. At night time the facade will be lit from the inside and appear as a photo negative in different colours as each floor in the parking area has different colours.

The Mountain by emerging architecture firm Bjarke Ingels Group (BIG) has been selected as a winner of an Urban Land Institute (ULI) 2009 Award for Excellence: Europe, Middle East, and Africa (EMEA) competition. The Awards for Excellence competition is widely regarded as the land use industry’s most prestigious recognition program and the award adds to success for the project at several other prestigious architecture competitions. “After winning the Housing category at last year’s World Architecture Festival in Barcelona and being shortlisted for the Mies van der Rohe Award 2009 and receiving the 2009 MIPIM Award we are becoming aware of the fact, that other people appreciate this building too. So we are very proud and honored, to have been acknowledged by the ULI EMEA,” said founding partner Bjarke Ingels.

The 2009 ULI EMEA Awards for Excellence winning projects were selected from among 17 countries. The winners were announced Friday June 30th during an Awards for Excellence ceremony hosted in London by ULI EMEA, which serves nearly 2,600 members across Europe, the Middle East, Africa, and India. “The Mountain is wonderful example of success that showcases creativity, innovation, and long-term thinking. Perhaps now more than ever, the ULI Awards for Excellence program reminds us of the key difference that responsible design and development can make in terms of longevity and overall community sustainability,” said 2009 ULI EMEA Award Jury Chair Ian D. Hawksworth, managing director, Capital & Counties, London.

source: nikiomahe.com

Niekée in Roermond, Netherlands by LIAG

Niekée in Roermond, Netherlands by LIAG

The Niekée, a spectacular facility centre building in Roermond, Netherlands was designed by Haag-based architects LIAG is as vibrant and playful as its resident students. Niekée is a facilitating education and recreation centre for schools, social organisations and businesses. Specifically intended for advanced stages of secondary education in Technology and Economics, it has been housed in a brand-new spectacular building. With floating rooms in the central atrium, an unorthodox design, its total transparency and striking use of colours and materials, Niekée distinguishes itself from a traditional school in every sense imaginable.The user is central in LIAG’s design. This is expressed through the organisation of the building around the central atrium, which contains the home bases and open learning centre. Students gain knowledge, independently and through projects, and, thanks to the large degree of internal transparency, are in direct contact with the workspaces on the ground floor and the floors containing other study areas. Home bases are on the ground floor as well as suspended above it in the central space - safe and recognisable home bases where students following the same courses can meet each other in a lounge atmosphere before school, or to take a break between classes.niekee by liag in netherlands, interior lobby buildingniekee by liag in netherlands, colorfull interior design

source: .nikiomahe.com

Managing Terrace House

Managing Terrace House

Architect House Minimalis

Terrace house is part of the building outside the house. Attendance is a form of unity of the whole house. Thus, shapes must also be made beautiful because it reflects such a beautiful house in full. Space environment as a mediator in and outside the home, the terrace with the same characters in the room.

There are two types of terrace, the front and back. Front of the terrace as a place to welcome the guests because it emphasized the estetisnya form. Meanwhile, a private back terrace so that shapes made to accommodate family activities or hobbies such as painting distribute, reading newspapers, drinking in the afternoon, with family or bercengkaram.

Terrace in front of, someone who often receive guests visit. Therefore, this section becomes very important and need to be styled to look more beautiful and attractive.

Size varies depending on the wide terrace house as a whole. If the house has a wide and the remaining land that is enough, usually the space for the wide terrace.

Terrace can be shaped room half open, or even the extent of space 1 × 2 m2, which only contains a few chairs. Size and shape depending on the terrace are the needs and customs house owner. A clear, important for its function as a house and need to penataan beautiful terrace and beautiful.

To arrange terrace, note a few things:

1. To be more comfortable and beautiful, such as the material for the terrace floor, wall, and plafonnya should be different from the other room. For flooring, choose materials that are not slippery because it is outside the home and often rain. Material can be of wood, ceramic, or natural stone.

2. If the terrace is not too broad, the selection of furniture and furnishings need to be supportive. Choose furniture that is not too large in size. If furniturnya of the narrow space.

3. If the activity in the house is not too dense, can be styled terrace with a simple pattern. Order such as this situation with a more suitable home than the regulation of complex and complicated.

4. If the size terrace area, penataannya can with the attractive style. Eg tropikal with style, natural, or solid composition. Some of this style can minimize the effect of the rigid usually appear in the house.

5. If you collect a variety of hobby antiques or art goods, there is no one to memajang objects in the terrace house. In addition to pay attention, it also can show the character's house.

In addition to the front and rear, the terrace can be built on the side of the house if there are remaining land. Wherever the location, terrace should be styled in such a way to look beautiful and beautiful. Impression on the beautiful terrace house can affect the overall impression.

by: 123design.wordpress.com

Cat Tembok Eksterior dan Interior

Cat Tembok Eksterior dan Interior

Paint Interior and exterior wall

Assalamu 'alaikum wr wb

Pak Andan, I buy a house minimalist type KPR 42/91 and I have been renovations. Now all I plamir walls are white.

I am still confused a color that I use to paint the interior walls, exterior and pillars etc.. While the iron fence and tile already be painted with a green color (mango leaves).

Please enlightenment from Pak Andan, blend colors that are appropriate for what my home is. I want a tearful familiar, warm, smart, and simple. Thank you.

Wassalamu 'alaikum wr wb.

Kusuma Indrajaya
kusuma.indrajaya @ pajak.go.id at eramuslim.com

Assalaamu'alaikum wr wb

Mr. Kusuma Indrajaya who I respect,

If all the walls have diplamir means he is ready in the cat. Provided that no outside walls also diplamir. Because later it akan exfoliate paint when exposed to rain.

When you paint this tile with the green fence and older. For a match that they should Kusen paint, doors and windows dark green as well. Then temboknya light green. Feel up to the house to the green. In addition to beautiful and beautiful, he kesannya natural and cool.

However, the color green is a bit difficult to be integrated with other colors. Should be careful. So if you want all green nuances, should be determined from now. So that the collision occurred is not the color.

If you want to select only neutral sepia for Kusen, windows and doors. Kesannya also natural. Because the striking brown bark of the senada with the nature of wood and Kusen door.

Can also use the color white on the door and Kusen. The term I first time a small 'house doctor'. Because the effect of a hospital that cold, clean and rigid akan appear. Color is also entered. But soon a bit difficult to choose paint colors walls. as a pale white color can not be submerged and lost akan wall color that is too strong. So the choice is easy to use color to paint the white walls. Only the direction tinge of color are determined. Cat-term is its white jasmine, white roses etc..

For the interior you should find the basic colors first. Ex: all ruagan akan colored with the color beige (neutral colors are easy on the padankan with the other colors). Then, determine the spot live wall which will be colored with a specific color. Seprti family rooms, a rest area where the walls are given tv sepia. And the room, the area where a wall painting or calligraphy pendant be red brick. And dining, the area where a wall or pantry shelves were given to eat dark green or dark blue. Nah, this situation still does not change the overall color of the cream base line. There are only a few spots on the walls a certain color.

The rest can choose your own colors separate. Or would like to reconcile with the basic colors can also be. Bedrooms in the main feel of the brown cat with a gentle young. bedroom boys colored blue. Girls bedroom pink. Kitchen with mastic.

So Pak Kusuma Indrajaya. Hopefully the useful information from me. Enjoy new home and a new paint too. Hopefully the house is a blessing. Penghuninya covered mawaddah atmosphere, Sakinah wa Rahmah. Aamiin robbal ya 'alamiin.

Wassalaamu'alaikum wr wb

by: 123design.wordpress.com

Spesialis Mendesain Apartemen dan Perumahan

Spesialis Mendesain Apartemen dan Perumahan

Specialist Design Apartments and Housing

Processing design usually takes about 2-3 weeks. While the process of procurement of goods furniture design results can take six weeks. Thus, the process from beginning to end takes about two weeks.

One of a growing line growth is a property professional interior designers. However, although the property is rather sluggish, the profession is still needed. In addition to designing office space, an interior designer is also needed to arrange housing and apartment space.

Number of players in this business is now more and more. There is a specializes in the design office, but there is also a residential design specialist. Design for residential - apartments and houses. This is because demand is high enough numbers.

"At first we focus on the design of office space. But because we also are required for many design houses and apartments, we finally opened a special division that handles it, that is Acierto. This was about six months ago, "said Director of Operations Acierto, Wuyosika Dewi Estrelita to the Republika.

Although the new six months, a number of clients have been enjoying the creative design. Among apartment Sudirman Mansion, SCBD Suit, and the owner of the house in some areas in Jakarta.

"Our approach is still personal touch," said Wuyosika. "Now we are still building a name first. If we have big names and known people, we will not find a client but the client will find us. Principles of interior design is usually like that, "he added.

Modern minimalist

According to him, apply a more modern design with minimalist concept. For, this is the model of the developing and desirability by the public. However, his side still accommodate client wishes. If the desire is not in accordance with the principles of design, the side will provide input and direction.

"So, when the client's meet, we ask about what their like, and we designed the design, and we submit to them. If they agree, then we do, "said Wuyosika.

when designing a room, his side will adjust to the situation room, including the size. If the narrow room, the design is created in such a way so that it does not disrupt the flow of traffic in the room but still beautiful.

Design elements that were created also include room accessories, such as wallpaper and wall decorations, and colors used. Processing design usually takes about 2-3 weeks. While the process of procurement of goods furniture design results can take six weeks. Thus, the process from beginning to end takes about two weeks.

"When designing, we also include the form and suitable furniture. If the client agrees, the new furniture that we do. A little difficult at this time is to make the furniture of raw material is solid wood, especially teak. For the difficult search of raw material, "he said.

In addition, the price is quite expensive solid wood, could reach Rp 20 million per cubic meter. However, the benefits, teak can last long. If the scratches, solid wood furniture from easily repaired again. The old age of teak furniture, the value is increasing. In fact, in the tens of years, the price can be very expensive because antiknya value.

That is different from that of raw material furniture multipleks. Because the material tripleks, furniture of this material can easily be damaged. However, the price of the furniture so much cheaper than solid wood. "For example, a table made of solid wood will cost around Rp 5 million. But if multipleks material, the price can be Rp 2.5 million to Rp 3 million, "said the man graduates Melbourne, Australia this.

Length of solid wood processing, information Anthonny, because the necessary circumspection. Drying process in a way dioven takes approximately two to three weeks.

Apartment for rent

Because the apartments are not to be occupied by the owner, but to rent, this will affect the design desired by the client.

Usually clients ask for designs that are not too expensive and the process is relatively faster. For they think that will be occupying the apartments of others.

This is different if the apartment will be occupied by the owner. "If we want to place their own, they will certainly want to design a really good price even though expensive. They want a comfortable living in the apartment, "said Wuyosika.

Apartment because the room is usually limited, still Wuyosika words, the design must be created that are really tailored to the wide room. To look more broadly, along with design penataan lights, light, and the use of certain types of glass.

About the price, Wuyosika the range of Rp 150 million to Rp 250 million for a room of 145 square meters. "However, it can also down in price but the materials used different quality," said Wuyosika.

by: 123design.wordpress.com



For every Muslim, the Islamic house of a craving. However, not all can understand what is actually called the Islamic home. So, many people incorrectly translate the concept home kaprah Islami. According to the General Chairman of the Architects Association of Indonesia (IAI), Budi Sukada, a house that is not Islamic architecture designs such as a mosque or a house in which the full-ornament ornaments Islam, such as calligraphy, and other.

Islamic home, he said, is an efficient home, can be a means to dzikir to God, and will remember the dead, and not contrived. "The house is not Islamic facing direction or the toilet is not facing direction. However, the Islamic house was home made and not contrived, "he said after talking to the Republika omen in the discussion on the Islamic civilization, in the arena Islamic Book Fair in Jakarta, some time ago.

Budi said, the Islamic house is a house that allows penghuninya for bersilaturahmi each other and interact. Meanwhile, the privacy of each person can be awake in it. "If the criteria are met, a new task for realizing the architect in the design," he said. However, the lecturer said Architecture Department, University of Indonesia (UI) is, not all people can understand this. In fact, home owners often do not want the house, not contrived. They want the house, seemed luxurious and stately. "Most people now just want the house is closed from the environment outside and the neighbors.

They build the walls that house a high-level. Kecenderungannya now we are becoming increasingly individualist, "said alumnus Architectural Engineering majors this UI. Society now also prefer to design a layout ruangnya where parents sleep upstairs while the children sleep on the floor below. This causes the children and parents can not bersilaturahmi and interact with both. Islamic design house, called Budi, there are zones in which the privacy of each penghuninya not awake or disturbed. "House of the Islamic home as a place that can be gathered all the family members or penghuninya," explained.

However, the more important Islamic house that is not a close escape from the outside world. But, still allows interaction and social relationships with the surrounding environment and neighbors can take place with both. At home, continue, people can feel welcome (well received). Rumah Islami also not a feature of luxury and wealth. Soal-ornament ornaments that have the character, such as Islamic calligraphy, Budi said, may be just-installed in the house. However, the guidelines must be made is that the installation must be in a fit.